
The Other Worldview: Exposing Christianity’s Greatest Threat is unavailable, but you can change that!

A cataclysmic change has occurred over the past few decades. Our culture as a whole has switched worldviews. According to Peter Jones, all the religions and philosophies of the world can be divided into two basic worldviews. These two perspectives differ on the fundamental nature of reality. Is everything essentially one? Or does an irreducible distinction exist between creation and Creator? In...

theologically liberal brand of Christianity, Jung was able to add various forms of liberal Christianity to his developing pagan spirituality. Jung’s therapy depended on a belief in myth that was not always admired in the “Christian” West at the beginning of the 20th century. For example, during Charles Darwin’s 1832 voyage to the Galapagos Islands, Darwin witnessed naked aboriginals dancing themselves into delirium and was shocked, finding the display “a most rude,
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